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Ancient Indian Astronomy & Astrology - Part 5 of 5, Expectant Parents Timing C-Sec Deliveries

Chasing Perfection, Immortality

Expectant Parents Timing C-Sec Deliveries

We began with the news report of expectant parents fixing C-Sec deliveries for Jan 22, 2024 on account of 'muhurat'! We saw that Rama, the mortal we worship, had a birth chart that had been the most impressive horoscope ever in human history.

Powerful Horoscope, But Native often Powerless

We saw why Rama's horoscope is unique! We also sadly noted that the same powerful horoscope also found the native 'powerless' in the face of adversity. In at least one instance, begging disbelief! But the beauty of Rama was that though troubles beset him, he accepts all with grace, without complaints, without finger-pointing, without ill-will even to those responsible. Any wonder we bestow Divinity on him! 

Wise but Susceptible too

Despite being calm, wise and otherwise well-qualified to be a King, the native also succumbs to a dubious quid pro quo arrangement. He believes the yarn (killing of Vali by deceit) spun by Sugriva as the only way ahead. The alternative of mediation never comes to mind.

A Father Tries Crafting a Perfect Horoscope

A popular legend is about Ravana's desire to make his son, Meghanath immortal. At the time of Indrajit's birth, Ravana, gets all the planets aligned in a particular way. Saturn did not wish to be a Yes man. He stretched his leg (maybe moved into the next house of the Zodiac).

A angry Ravan throws his mace at Saturn's leg. Injures him. This gives Saturn his limp. Saturn's non-cooperation also left Meghnath vulnerable. Even if Ravana had been successful with the planet positions, maybe some other weakness may have surfaced to become Meghnath's bane.

The Horoscope, Subservient to the Kosmic Operating System

As Rama's life shows us, the most powerful of horoscopes may have enough latent weaknesses. There are a few other things that may also influence the course of our lives. Our Karma carried over from our previous births, the karma we are generating in our current life etc. Rama kills Vali by deceit. In Rama's next birth as Krishna, Vali is believed to have been reborn as the hunter, Jara who mistakes a resting Krishna's foot for a deer's head. The arrow leads to Krishna's death. 

Even Krishna not Immune from Karma

Krishna dies aware that Gandhari's curse of the destruction of prosperous Dwaraka and his Yadava race is fructifying. Another life beset with adversity from birth, fades with no peace even in Death!

A Tool - No More, No Less

This note is only meant to say that while respecting ancient Indian wisdom, we do not get obsessed with only a little understanding of it. Rather to use it well as another tool available. Surely with discretion. As T. Krishnamacharya (brother-in-law of BKS Iyengar) is to 'modern' Yoga, so BV Raman to Indian Astrology. The Astrological Magazine he founded begins with an ancient Indian saying. Loosely translated, 'The Science of Astrology may indicate in a way the tendencies or probable outcomes. Who else but the Creator knows for sure.' (This may be Astrology's ancient version of Schrodinger's Uncertainty Principle.)

Every Effect has a Cause - Karma Prevails

In ending wish to say this. The residual Macaulay in us may laugh at Rahu & Kethu or the ritual of the groom showing his bride Vasishta & Arundhati. Or we could choose to be amazed at scientific insights and constructs that ancient India dovetailed into daily life with such profound wisdom! Many of us sadly may not reserve even a small fraction of the awe they feel for other heritages of humankind like the Great Pyramids for the intellectual treasure trove, nay grove, that is ancient Bharat. A land where mortals become Gods & Goddesses due to the way they lead their lives. A land where Gods are also shown human. A land that has long advocated that for every action, there is a reaction. Every effect has a cause if you choose to see and that ... the Kosmic Operating System, Karma Prevails!

Concluded ( 5 of 5).


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